Sunday Set List – September

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” ~ Colossians 3:16

Our church family health stems from the love and truth of Jesus Christ, a love that is vital to the unity of our worship. We are dedicated to the joy of sharing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. We recognize this verse to be Scripture leading us toward a blend of beautifully old and beautifully new songs of love to Jesus.

Here are the songs we share(d) in the month of September:

September 1: You are Holy | What a Friend We Have in Jesus | Come Thou Fount | Wonderful, Merciful Savior | Jesus | Overcome
September 8:
 Glorious Day (Ran Out Of That Grave) | Living Hope | Is He Worthy | God is So Good
September 15: I Have Decided | Before the Throne of God Above | Behold the Lamb | All Creatures of Our God and King | 1 Timothy 1:5
September 22: 1 Timothy 1:5 | Behold the Lamb | Cornerstone | Forever Reign | Nothing But the Blood
September 29:  Sing to the King | Great Are You Lord | Death Was Arrested | I Love You Lord | 1 Timothy 1:5

Our corporate joy is comprised of the individual awareness you and I hold together that these songs are only words to music, unless we mean them in our hearts. And we do! These songs were written to inspire prayers of praise and glory to God. Songs cannot make us do anything–Jesus’ love compels us to sing, bring our hearts to God, and it gives us a medium that–if we choose–gives us a voice to sing the reality that we are living in, children of God, free from the grave, alive with hope, priests of God, decisive followers, upward focused to the One who made and end of all our sin, and many more truths sung this month alone.

I look forward to worshipping with you this month. The aim of our worship is love, that issues from a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith. (see 1 Timothy 1:5, or just learn the song with us, this month!)

PS: regarding “Forever Reign” God has been convicting me that the idea  “there is nothing good in me” was entirely true before Jesus’ blood washed away my sin. But, is not true now. God is good, and He is alive in me! So, when we sing this song, I encourage you to understand the lyric “You are good, you are good, when there’s nothing good in me” to not be saying “God you are good, and I’m just 100% awful.” If you are in Christ Jesus, I strongly encourage you to mean in your heart “You are good (in me) when there’s nothing (else) good in me!” These are the sorts of things that are important to our growth as worshippers of Jesus Christ, and yet there are far too many of these details for me to share them each on a Sunday! As you pray through your words, and as you understand (and sometimes misunderstand lyrics) I invite you to talk about them with your church brothers and sisters, and I would love for you to include myself and members of the praise team into, that we could consider whatever lyrics your soul is lingering upon.