The 411 on Gospel Conversation

We have been having a great time in Sunday School this month focusing on how to start gospel conversations. We have been using a tool called “The 411.” So, if you weren’t able to attend, what did you miss?

Well, the 411 is a training tool that helps believers share the gospel and start making disciples by answering four questions on one piece of paper in one study. The four questions are: 1.) Why should I make disciples? 2.) Who should I share with? 3.) What should I say? 4.) When should I do the things I’ve learned? The tool is part of the global Christian discipleship movement called “No Place Left,” which is a coalition of Christian practitioners who are committed to multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and movements until there is “no place left” where Christ is not made known (just as Paul talked about in Romans 15:23).

The 411 tool helps believers set goals, track progress, and stay accountable to the personal mission God has given each believer. It is a simple, visual, and easily reproducible tool any believer can use to follow Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:18-20).

The first question, “Why,” helps believers understand their identity and purpose as disciples of Jesus. The second question, “Who,” helps believers identify 4 people in their lives that are far from God and pray that they would respond to Jesus. It also helps them to search for people who are open and receptive to the gospel via prayer walking. The third question, the “What,” trains believers on how to share their 15-second testimony and God’s story in a clear and concise way via the “2 Kingdoms Gospel” tool. It helps believers know a gospel tool that can help people respond to the gospel and follow Jesus. The fourth question, “When,” helps believers plan their actions and set deadlines for sharing the gospel and making disciples. It also helps them review their progress and celebrate their achievements.

The 411 of Gospel Conversations is a powerful tool that can equip believers to become disciple makers who multiply God’s kingdom and to be trainers who train others to do the same! It can be used individually or in groups and is easily reproduced and passed on to other God-prepared people. If you’d like training, ask me! I’d love to connect with you!